The First Interactive Online Finance Channel – TV4U
We Will Always Use The Most Advanced Technology to Help You Make Money Through Videos!

Videos about Crypto, Forex, Commodities Trading, Stocks and Options

Live Sessions and With The Opportunity to Ask Direct Questions

Interactive Discussions
With All Participating
The Streaming Offer That Suits You at TV4U
Markets and Information You Will Learn About

Forex & Crypto
Which Currencies Do We Stream:

Raw materials (Metals, Energy and Soft Goods)
Which Goods/Markets Do We Stream:
Metals: Gold, Platinum, Silver, Copper, Palladium, Lithium
Energy: Oil and Natural Gas
Soft Goods: Cotton, Coffee, Cocoa, Wheat, Soy Beans, Corn, Sugar

Stocks, Stock Index, ETFs & Funds
Which Share Indices Do We Stream:
Index: SMI (CH), Nikkei, S & P 500, Dow Jones, NASDAQ, DAX, Europe 50, FTSE
Shares: Mining, Oil Production, Manufacturing and Processing Companies from the raw materials sector that are listed on the stock exchange
ETFs & Funds.
Thorsten Schuell
Founder and Director
Raw materials have always determined my life!
With over 30 years of experience in capital markets, and the fact that I have lived in over 10 countries, I have a treasure trove of lived experiences that cannot be found in any book. In 1991 I took my first Series 3 exam in London – an absolute must if you wanted to work for a broker in the city. My first point of contact was Esprit Brokers / MeesPierson Derivatives Ltd. London.
My connections in London and New York to banks, brokers and fund managers confirm that I can say to those interested in a similar career: “Your initiative, S3 and S7 are a prerequisite for employment in trading.”
Founder and Lecturer
In these changing financial markets, broader knowledge is needed
I have been a lecturer at the University of Leicester for over 4 years. My PhD topic centered on mortgage financing litigation and the credit creation functions of commercial banks. In recent years my teaching has focussed primarily on financial markets, international business and accounting.
I’m passionate about teaching financial literacy to a wider audience, and giving people the legal and financial tools they need to navigate the world of today, as well as tomorrow.
The Team
“Behind the Scenes” stands for the entire TEAM behind Tony and Thorsten.
Each member of our team has a key position whether a cameraman, web designer, content creator, coder, financial analyst, psychologist, and so on- each person has special knowledge, and their creativity helps us to build something amazing together.
We are proud to be working in such a trustworthy, reliable, and responsible team that shares common values, and works with the best intentions for our planet and each other. Our shared goal is to help mitigate the effects of human-caused climate change and protect natural resources.
Contact – Imprint
CFC Thorsten Schuell Corp.
251 Little Falls Drive
Wilmington, Delaware, USA
Register Nr. 6077721
Telefon: +44 (0) 7557 65 66 59
Mail: cfc"at"
Appointments only by prior arrangement